Teaching Ideas

The sandwich model: the sandwich model poster,  sandwich writing frame

Why not get pupils or staff to take the self actualisation test here: https://www.scottbarrykaufman.com/characteristics-of-self-actualization-scale/ and use the data to practice statistics , you could correlate it with some other relevant variable perhaps, age or experiences, you could get them to design a way of measuring life experience! Could it be positive and negative life events even???

Encouraging active listening of pupil to one another; what interesting thing did your peer say, encouraging listening and note taking when people ask questions in class that lead to interesting answers etc. Making sure that when kids ask questions the others don;t switch off while you answer them, passing the buck to another pupil for answering each other’s questions, including weaker pupil who its wort investing the extra scaffold time in. Ensuring that all time work s most effectively for as many pupils as possible working at different levels.

Class practical: Give them small selection of suggested aims, they have to choose one, design it as a small group and pitch their idea to the rest f the class, class choose best idea. Give them a sheet with plenty of scaffolding to help improve the quality of the proposals, which should be written (project proposal form?) and also presented orally in class.  Don’t forget ethics (could the class act as ethics committee with help from staff and lay people from other subjects??) and pilot studies :). This is based on an idea presented by Rachel Moody at ATP 2017.

Marking: WWW, EBI, SWaNS (Strength, Weakness and Next Steps)

When giving feedback on a piece of assessed work: create a PowerPoint to cover problems that lots of people had and get them to find example in their own work of those problems, show them using essay fragments how to correct the problems, better still get them t work it out! Get them working in class on their DIRT challenges, (TIP: triple impact feedback; self, peer and teacher). When peers are involved in this process feedback needs to be Kind, Helpful, Specific.

When creating flipped learning activities…include a RAG list in something like socrative where as a class it is then possible to look at what ever one found easy/hard and group people accordingly for intervention work on their trouble-spots. You may have some anxieties surrounding whether pupils are nay good at completing RAGS .e.g. until they have actually displayed that they are okay with a topic (e.g. Green), should we trust that they are okay to move on?

Teaching nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio: Use pictures of cakes (all different), kids have to sort them into categories and count them up in each category, put them in order of which one they wold most like to eat, (ordinal), find a similar cake on google and find out pric/calorific value etc (interval/ratio). (This idea came from Deb Gajic, ATP 2017)

Group work: menus where they have to choose a starter, main course and dessert; differentiated activities relating to the content (good for flipped lessons) (This idea came from Amanda Clarke, ATP 2017)

You say, we pay: Useful for assessing knowledge after a research task, I use this task to see how much they know abut the Rwandan genocide.

Play connect 4: Give them key words/terms that they have to find links between, you can also do this with pictures as a starter.

Bingo, Wordsearches, crosswords and tarsia to help consolidate key terms; pupils can make their own or you could use a website like puzzlemaker www.discoveryeducation.com/free-puzzlemaker/ You can find tarsia dominoes to fill in on google images or there is a piece of software that can be downloaded for free. Wordmint is also great for creating puzzles. There is a one off fee that you can ay (onyl a few quid) and then you cn save as many as you like to PDFs.

Initial letter games, e.g. love hearts, snake (This idea came from Amanda Clarke ATP 2017)

Using research digest to create your own research methods scenarios questions

Let it Bee: This was simply an idea where we pictured a bumble bee buzzing around whilst writing an essay; as a bumble bee has black and yellow stripes, we think about the black and yellow hats from Edward de Bono, black hat being cautions (limitations, weaknesses, cons) and yellow being positives (advantages, strengths, pros), we need to alternate these throughout our evaluation, to give a stripey essay 🙂

Weavily pleased: This was an exercise that focuses on how the weaknesses of one research method might be over-ridden by the strengths of another, as in method triangulation. We write the ‘weaknesses’ of one research method, or primary data or whatever it might be onto strips of paper, which become the warp threads for a paper weaving. Then we write the strengths of the other method, type of data etc on to another set of paper strips which become the ‘weft’ threads. Once we have woven them together, we talk about pushing the strips up close to each other so that you cannot see any light between the gaos when you hold the weaving up to the light. This is just like a strong study that uses a number of data collection techniques, it is ‘watertight’ and has strong validity/credibility.

Paper chains of reason (This idea was inspired by the lovely Katrina Clarke at Bitterne Park School) this was an idea that we use to help pupils to elaborate their points effectively over three ore more richly detailed sentences. Again we use strips of coloured paper, Everyone writes ‘One strength of XX is ….’ on the next coloured strip they write ‘for example….’ and then one the finals trip they write ‘This is important because…’. We then link the three coloured strips into a paper chain. We have also decorated the classroom by linking the whole classes chains together. evaluative chains of reason poster examples

Research Rainbows: Research Rainbow

One the one hand, on the other hand…

Building a tower of support: 

What ifs…create a selection of cards for the classic and contemporary studies in psychology to help prompt discussion and consolidate understanding of research methods.

Building a raft of empirical evidence: 

Teaching the Cornell Technique to assist with note-taking; creating a set of symbols as a class to use in notes, e.g. evidence, applications, alternatives, support, refute,

Web of evaluation: The Spiders web stands for strengths and weaknesses; use the web shape to make interesting images that reflect the S and W of a study, essentially scoring the study out of 6 for each element and coloring in the corresponding number of sections. webs can be overlaid with another pair to see where they differ, do they have the same or a different shape and why?

Rate it or Slate it: Use semantic differentials to on the different aspects of GRAVE to rate studies and decide overall whether they should be rated or slated (put it in the golden frame or the dustbin).

An interesting experiment that you could replicate: This experiment was presented at the Lancaster ATP conference; it was engaging, fun and interesting as a participant and our lecturer expertly showed how it can be used to demonstrate and discuss the key features of the lab experiment as a research method, experimental designs and control issues. This link take you to the full paper; in time I may develop a set of materials to help replicate this study in the classroom; it could be a fun introduction to research methods and stats for the start of the course: Nairne and Pandeirada (2010)

Visit Freud’s Hampstead home: Psychoanalysis may not have such a prominent position on the sec s as in previous decades however, a visit to the Freud House is a great trip and ensuring pupils have a working knowledge of Freud will certainly pay dividends when teaching many topics. www.freud.org.uk/ you could also contact Stefan Marianski, head of education and digital strategy for ideas about outreach work with your school, stefan@freud.org.uk

Get in touch with a partner school in Europe: My pupils and I have been involved in a couple of projects lately where we have worked with colleagues in Europe, many of whom we have made links with through The European Federation of Psychology Teachers’ Associations. Last year, I visited Prague for the biennial conference and attended a workshop about twinning projects. You can find out more here: www.efpta.org or contact info@efpta.org

Make a QR Treasure Hunt: you can use the following site to create QR codes, which you can then copy and paste into your document: http://www.qr-code-generator.com/; great for differentiated activities, group work, revision; please leave a comment about how you have used QR codes in your lessons.

Socrative: Brilliant for AfL, you can also print off the quizzes you have made and they are laid out as very nice professional looking documents: https://b.socrative.com/

Methods and Stats Presentation: A PowerPoint I presented with Hugh Coolican at ATP 2017: do-methods-drive-you-mad-7 and Fact or fiction T and F (4) Accompanying activity

The materials above were made in collaboration with StatsBuster Hugh Coolican

Keeping pupils on track: Departmental Contract: psych dept contract

Dyslexia and Psychology: dyslexia and psychology[1]

Keeping a HW record: tracking progress[1] 2011-12

TEACUP – acronym for evaluating theories: teacup

Pat self on back: pat-self-on-back (1)

Teaching about Autism

Teaching about day care

Teaching about Genie

Teaching about 44 thieves

Teaching about child psychology and research methods

Interesting topics from the old IB

More old IB stuff I haven’t had time to sort out! :Socio-Cultural Level of Analysis

Abnormal Psychology

Theory and practice in qualitative research



Little Hans

Do dreams have meaning?


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© Amanda J Wood, 2016-2017